Protecting & Restoring Long Island's Peconic Bays

Homeowner Rewards Application

Now open to 2025 Applications!

Homeowner Rewards Program Application

  • Applications will only be approved if the property address is within the Peconic Estuary Watershed. If you are not sure if you live within the Peconic Estuary Watershed, search for your property address in the Google map below. Properties that are located inside of the yellow line on the map are within the Peconic Estuary Watershed.
    Please select all project types that apply.
  • Native Plant and/or Rain Garden Installation

    If you are installing a native plant and /or rain garden please provide all information requested below for each project you are proposing. Answer N/A if this does not apply for your project.
  • (For example: 10 x 5 feet). Gardens need to be a minimum of 50 square feet total to meet reimbursement requirement.
  • (e.g. back of house on east corner)
  • Please enter a $ value. If not doing a garden, enter $0.
  • Please provide a list of native plants for the proposed project here if applicable. If you are unsure of what plants are native please check the Peconic-Friendly Plant Database on our website.
  • Rain Barrel Installation

    If you are installing a rain barrel please provide all information requested below for each rain barrel you are proposing. Answer N/A if this does not apply for your project.
  • Please indicate the gallon size of rain barrel(s). Rain barrels should be a minimum of 50 gallons.
  • Describe locations of where each rain barrel will be connected (e.g. north of corner of house).
  • Please enter a $ value for the cost of all rain barrels you intend to purchase. If not doing a rain barrel, enter $0.
  • Total Project Cost

    This field is automatically calculated based on the Estimated Cost of Garden(s) and Estimated Cost of Rain Barrel(s) fields.
  • Rewards are available up to the maximum allowable ($500), or the total cost per project, whichever is lower.
  • Final Application Checklist and Disclaimer

    Peconic Estuary Partnership and its partners are not responsible for the future of the project, or any problems associated with the project. If an application is approved, the rebate will be dependent upon approval of receipts and invoices for appropriate supplies/equipment only. One check will be issued per individual and property address. Please allow up to 3 months after final project approval for reimbursement. The applicant is responsible for ensuring that all projects meet all code requirements. By typing your name below on this application, you are verifying the accuracy of all above information, and asserting that you own the property or have permission from the property owner, and are confirming that you were not mandated to complete this project. You are providing your permission for the Peconic Estuary Partnership and it’s partners to use photos of your property in relevant publications. You are also providing permission for a staff member to visit the property to physically observe the project site for documentation purposes. Your typed name below also states that you will maintain the project for as long as possible and avoid the use of pesticides and fertilizer. Your willingness to keep a small PEP sign visible on your property throughout the next spring/summer/fall season is appreciated. By clicking the check box above, you are acknowledging the disclaimer.
  • By typing your name in this box, you are agreeing to the the disclaimer.

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