The purpose of our conference is to drive ACTION towards combatting the challenges our estuary faces.
The health of the Peconic Estuary faces challenges – and that means our community does too. Excess nutrient loading from land causes water quality to decline, climate change causes sea levels to rise, and all of these issues combined with other human activities harm our wildlife and habitats. As a result – the natural resources we depend on and the real estate and recreational opportunities we enjoy suffer. The PEP’s Comprehensive Conservation Management Plan outlines goals and actions that guide the work of our partnership to combat these issues. This free virtual conference started discussions that put these goals and actions into MOTION!
Our conference posed the question,
“what are we going to do about it?”
Fred Thiele, New York State Assemblyman
Alison Branco, Director of Coastal Programs, The Nature Conservancy in New York
Matthew Sclafani, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County Marine Program
Partners of the Peconic Estuary Partnership share why PEP’s new management plan will guide crucial work towards a brighter future as we all work together. Our partnership is our greatest tool to help us achieve our mission of protecting and restoring the Peconic Estuary and its watershed.
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