Protecting & Restoring Long Island's Peconic Bays

Committees and Advisory Groups

Learn how the PEP committee structure creates partnerships for joint management of the Peconic Estuary and its watershed.

The structure of the Peconic Estuary Partnership Management Conference consists of the Policy Committee and Management Committee and three advisory committees: Citizens’ Advisory Committee (CAC), Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) -advised by the Natural Resources Subcommittee, and Local Government Committee (LGC)- advised by the Peconic Estuary Protection Committee.

Policy Committee

Management Committee

Local Government Committee

Technical Advisory Committee

Citizens’ Advisory Committee

Peconic Estuary Protection Committee 

These committees provide the framework in which the Management Conference will meet the goals of this partnership. They represent a forum for open discussion, cooperation and compromise that results in consensus. While these committees function as separate entities, they are not meant to be exclusive and all committee meetings are open to the public. Communication between committees exists in the form of members that serve on more than one committee and Federal, State and County representatives who will be attending all Management Conference meetings.

The procedures and processes that guide the actions of the Management Conference and PEP Program Office were codified in the PEP By-Laws (2023 update) and can be found here:

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